Nothing beats a long, easy drive down the expressway onboard a dependable piece of machinery.
We did that last February using my colleague's old-school Mercedes Benz 1-2-3 type body. It ran on diesel, yet it glided effortlessly down the smooth, paved asphalt of NLEX.
Shot these pics right from the front passenger seat....
The call of the open highway is as addicting as any narcotic, capable of rendering you glassy eyed, yet fully focused.
With hands gripped firmly on the steering wheel, and eyes high-beaming straight ahead at the vast expanse of tarmac, this moment counts as one of the rare times that man becomes one with his machine.
Everyone gets that urge once in a while. For some, it becomes a regular thing. For others, it becomes something to look forward to after getting tired of the regular grind. Driving is in itself an occasion of celebration, of fulfillment. Its when you realize that not all races have to be run fast, nor does one need to win each time.

And when all other rationalization doesn't make sense, you can always fall back on the fact that you relish the journey more than the destination...
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